Our Financials
Our Financials
2023-2024 Annual Report
FY 2023-2024 Financials & Annual Report
Animal Humane receives no city, state or federal funding. We earn or raise 100% of our annual operating budget. We currently earn approximately one third of our revenue. The remaining portion is raised through private donations from individuals, businesses, foundations, and donors including Animal Humane in their estates.
Your donations have made it possible for us to successfully meet the needs of New Mexico’s most vulnerable dogs & cats for over 50 years. Every contribution makes a difference and each dollar is judiciously used to operate the programs that comprise our Circle of Care.
Our financial statements are audited annually by an independent firm who gives us clean opinions. Additionally, our devoted staff and Board of Directors expertly guide our organization. Each month, our Board Finance Committee reviews our financials and provides guidance. Our committee consists of CPAs, Certified Financial Planners, a registered investment advisor; and banking, legal and fundraising professionals.
Federal Tax Identification Number (EIN)
Animal Humane is a 501(c)(3) entity.