Foster Care
Foster Care
Behind the scenes of an animal shelter are many people working on behalf of homeless pets that are not quite ready to be adopted into their forever homes. These pets have varying needs. Often they are weaning from their mother, too young for spay/neuter or require special medical attention. Animal Humane’s team at our Donor-subsidized Veterinary Clinic work diligently to prepare these pets for success before, during & after their stays in loving foster homes.
Our dedicated team of Foster Caregivers assists our pets by gifting their time & compassion. By inviting foster pets into their lives, homeless cats & dogs experience the love of a human companion & return to our shelter as happy, healthy & socialized pets…ready for adoption!
There are many roles you may help with – from transporting pets to their booster appointments, to volunteering at our events, to helping out with office duties. Please click the link below, and we cannot wait to work alongside you!

All potential Foster Caregivers or Foster Department Volunteers must be registered through our Volunteer Services Department and attend general Volunteer Orientation and Training. Once you complete the Volunteer onboarding process, you will be given the opportunity to choose to volunteer with the Foster Department or become a Foster Caregiver. Please follow the link below to set up your Volunteer Profile.