11427673_930498020321955_2242800346252011164_nOn Sunday, some of our compassionate volunteers took two of our long-time residents hiking on Pino Trail. Kendra and Grady have been with us since early May, and they love having Doggie Dates with members of our team!

Melinda & Kaisa say, “We absolutely loved this outdoor adventure with these dogs because we got an opportunity to see Kendra and Grady’s true canine colors shine through! Kendra is a big love bug. Every chance she could get, she was giving kisses and trying to climb into a lap for a quick snuggle. She is a great exercise companion.

11406241_930498026988621_6834798336387528599_o“Grady seemed to mature instantaneously! When we began, he was nervous about jumping into the truck and going into a crate. During the hike, he was a dream… a calm, sweet and confident boy. To our amazement, on our return ride, he jumped into the truck and crate without any hesitation. What a quick learner!

“Both Kendra and Grady were excited to greet every hiker along our journey. They also were able to relax around one another, enjoying some play time, and were fantastic at meeting other dogs we passed along the way. What an awesome hiking duo!”

Both Kendra and Grady are eager to meet you at our Big Blue Adoptions Center on our 615 Virginia St. Main Campus!